Pumpkin seeds add crunch to the salad and are well tolerated by many people on the FODMAP diet but leave them out or reduce the amount if you know they aggravate your IBS.
250g cooked quinoa or brown rice (I used a mix of both)
150g cavolo nero/black kale, finely chopped
A small courgette/zuchinni, coarsely grated
300g cubed cooked sweet potato
1/2tbsp olive or rapeseed oil
1tbsp pumpkin seeds
1tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp smoked or regular sea salt
Serves 2-3
Heat the oil in a large skillet or frying pan. Add the chopped kale and stir fry until it has just softened. Add the smoked paprika, courgette, quinoa and cooked sweet potatoes and heat until everything is piping hot.
Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds and smoked paprika over and serve.